J Bacusmo

Average Grade: A
Total Reviews: 441
Recommended: 300 (68%)

Overall Quality 3.94

Helpfulness 3.71

Ease of Exams 3.97

Ease of Workload 3.97

Instructor Recommendations


Definitely get smoking notes and do a ton of practice questions
- Submitted on 08/11/2023 12:32 PM; by Medicine major | Class of '25
Get smokin notes and stay on pace
- Submitted on 08/10/2023 09:06 PM; by Agricultural and Life Sciences major | Class of '24
Read smokin notes before completing the assignments and actually do the Mcgraw assignments.
- Submitted on 08/09/2023 09:31 PM; by Other: (Non-business major) major | Class of '26
Read the smokin notes multiple times before each exam, take practice tests
- Submitted on 08/02/2022 06:08 PM; by Liberal Arts and Sciences major | Class of '24
get smokin notes! and don't wait until the last minute to study
- Submitted on 04/28/2022 10:25 PM; by Liberal Arts and Sciences major | Class of '22
Smokin Notes is your best friend!
- Submitted on 12/15/2021 03:32 PM; by Liberal Arts and Sciences major | Class of '23
Study hard and enjoy the amazing/interesting aspects of microbiology. This class opens your eyes to complexity of organisms and provides a cool perspective of the world we live in.
- Submitted on 12/14/2021 09:32 PM; by Medicine major | Class of '22
Stay on top of your work, and use the study guides she gives.
- Submitted on 12/14/2021 02:01 PM; by Veterinary Medicine major | Class of '23
Read your notes and use all the resources, while completing all other assignments.
- Submitted on 08/05/2021 03:58 PM; by Pharmacy major | Class of '22
Smokin Notes literally saved me. Everything you guys had in the notes was exactly what I needed to know. The lectures and the homework weren't that helpful so save yourself time and just go with Smokin Notes.
- Submitted on 08/04/2021 03:38 PM; by Health and Human Performance major | Class of '22
Use Bacusmo's study guides! Do them yourself by using the smoking notes and then review them with her key
- Submitted on 12/15/2020 09:22 AM; by Agricultural and Life Sciences major | Class of '22
Do all of the assignments and write notes from the book or smokin notes. Exam material is very similar to questions on the quizzes so you can look back at those to do very well.
- Submitted on 12/14/2020 09:43 PM; by Liberal Arts and Sciences major | Class of '23
Put in the effort and time to study for this class and you will do well in this class.
- Submitted on 12/14/2020 08:52 AM; by Medicine major | Class of '22
Smokin' Notes and the professor's Study Guides are most helpful for exams
- Submitted on 08/12/2020 07:50 AM; by Public Health and Health Professions major | Class of '21
Do homework, read study guides, and look over smoking notes and you'll do great.
- Submitted on 08/11/2020 08:29 AM; by Public Health and Health Professions major | Class of '22
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